35 research outputs found

    Models for efficient control and fair sharing of assets in energy communities

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    In recent times, energy communities have gained significant interest. These communities empower citizen prosumers by leveraging their own renewable energy generation and storage assets to manage their energy requirements and engage in the broader energy market. Such communities offer a promising solution for sustainable energy systems, promoting renewable integration and active user involvement. Within energy communities, members can engage in energy trading and invest in shared assets like production units, energy storage, and network infrastructure. However, efficiently controlling these assets in real-time and equitably distributing energy outputs among diverse members with varying needs remains a vital challenge. Addressing this concern is of both research and practical importance. It is essential to consider technical constraints like local low-voltage network characteristics and power ratings during this process. To tackle these challenges, this thesis presents a model that examines the techno-economic benefits of community-owned versus individually-owned energy assets, accounting for physical asset degradation and network constraints. Employing cooperative game theory principles, the thesis proposes a redistribution model for community benefits based on the marginal contribution of each household. This redistribution mechanism utilizes the concept of marginal value from coalitional game theory and distributed AI (specifically the multi-agent system). Study results demonstrate that the proposed marginal cost redistribution mechanism is fairer and more computationally manageable than existing state-of-the-art methods, thus providing a scalable approach for economic sharing of joint assets in community energy systems. However, integration of centrally shared community-owned energy assets may face limitations due to network/grid constraints. To address this issue, the thesis proposes a novel framework for a local peer-to-community (P2C) market mechanism as an alternative solution to investing in community-owned assets. The dynamics of the P2C market mechanism are studied for three different types of P2C sellers with non-uniform pricing schemes and tested across various community settings (comprising a mix of prosumers and consumers) and different rates of renewable energy adoption. All proposed models are validated and applied to a real case study from a large-scale smart energy demonstration project in the UK, using a substantial dataset of real renewable generation and demand. This practical case study provides confidence in the robustness of the experimental comparison results presented in the thesis.Engineering and Physical Sciences Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) grant (EP/R513040/1

    Efficient methods for approximating the Shapley value for asset sharing in energy communities

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    With the emergence of energy communities, where a number of prosumers invest in shared generation and storage, the issue of fair allocation of benefits is increasingly important. The Shapley value has attracted increasing interest for redistribution in energy settings — however, computing it exactly is intractable beyond a few dozen prosumers. In this paper, we first conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of Shapley value in energy-related applications, as well as efforts to compute or approximate it. Next, we formalise the main methods for approximating the Shapley value in community energy settings, and propose a new one, which we call the stratified expected value approximation. To compare the performance of these methods, we design a novel method for exact Shapley value computation, which can be applied to communities of up to several hundred agents by clustering the prosumers into a smaller number of demand profiles. We perform a large-scale experimental comparison of the proposed methods, for communities of up to 200 prosumers, using large-scale, publicly available data from two large-scale energy trials in the UK (UKERC Energy Data Centre, 2017, UK Power Networks Innovation, 2021). Our analysis shows that, as the number of agents in the community increases, the relative difference to the exact Shapley value converges to under 1% for all the approximation methods considered. In particular, for most experimental scenarios, we show that there is no statistical difference between the newly proposed stratified expected value method and the existing state-of-the-art method that uses adaptive sampling (O’Brien et al., 2015), although the cost of computation for large communities is an order of magnitude lower

    Decentralized Energy White Paper: Adaptive Local Energy Communities

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    Responsive FLEXibility: a smart local energy system

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    The transition towards a more decarbonised, resilient and distributed energy system requires local initiatives, such as Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES), which lead communities to gain self-sufficiency and become electricity islands. Although many SLES projects have been recently deployed, only a few of them have managed to be successful, mostly due to an initial knowledge gap in the SLES planning and deployment phases. This paper leverages the knowledge from the UK’s largest SLES demonstrator in the Orkney Islands, named the Responsive FLEXibility (ReFLEX) project, to propose a framework that will help communities to successfully implement a SLES. First, this paper describes how the multi-services electrical SLES implemented in Orkney reduces the impact of the energy transition on the electrical infrastructure. We identify and discuss the main enablers and barriers to a successful SLES, based on a review of SLES projects in the UK. Second, to help future communities to implement SLES, we extend the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) into a comprehensive multi-vector Smart Local Energy Architecture Model (SLEAM) that includes all main energy services, namely power, heat and transport. This extended architecture model describes the main components and interaction layers that need to be addressed in a comprehensive SLES. Next, to inform successful deployment of SLES, an extensive list of key performance indicators for SLES is proposed and implemented for the ReFLEX project. Finally, we discuss lessons learnt from the ReFLEX project and we list required future technologies that enable communities, energy policy makers and regulatory bodies to best prepare for the energy transition

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in Demand Response (DR) as a means to provide flexibility, and hence improve the reliability of energy systems in a cost-effective way. Yet, the high complexity of the tasks associated with DR, combined with their use of large-scale data and the frequent need for near real-time de-cisions, means that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) — a branch of AI — have recently emerged as key technologies for enabling demand-side response. AI methods can be used to tackle various challenges, ranging from selecting the optimal set of consumers to respond, learning their attributes and pref-erences, dynamic pricing, scheduling and control of devices, learning how to incentivise participants in the DR schemes and how to reward them in a fair and economically efficient way. This work provides an overview of AI methods utilised for DR applications, based on a systematic review of over 160 papers, 40 companies and commercial initiatives, and 21 large-scale projects. The papers are classified with regards to both the AI/ML algorithm(s) used and the application area in energy DR. Next, commercial initiatives are presented (including both start-ups and established companies) and large-scale innovation projects, where AI methods have been used for energy DR. The paper concludes with a discussion of advantages and potential limitations of reviewed AI techniques for different DR tasks, and outlines directions for future research in this fast-growing area

    Improving the efficiency of renewable energy assets by optimizing the matching of supply and demand using a smart battery scheduling algorithm

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    Given the fundamental role of renewable energy assets in achieving global temperature control targets, new energy management methods are required to efficiently match intermittent renewable generation and demand. Based on analysing various designed cases, this paper explores a number of heuristics for a smart battery scheduling algorithm that efficiently matches available power supply and demand. The core of improvement of the proposed smart battery scheduling algorithm is exploiting future knowledge, which can be realized by current state-of-the-art forecasting techniques, to effectively store and trade energy. The performance of the developed heuristic battery scheduling algorithm using forecast data of demands, generation, and energy prices is compared to a heuristic baseline algorithm, where decisions are made solely on the current state of the battery, demand, and generation. The battery scheduling algorithms are tested using real data from two large-scale smart energy trials in the UK, in addition to various types and levels of simulated uncertainty in forecasts. The results show that when using a battery to store generated energy, on average, the newly proposed algorithm outperforms the baseline algorithm, obtaining up to 20–60% more profit for the prosumer from their energy assets, in cases where the battery is optimally sized and high-quality forecasts are available. Crucially, the proposed algorithm generates greater profit than the baseline method even with large uncertainty on the forecast, showing the robustness of the proposed solution. On average, only 2–12% of profit is lost on generation and demand uncertainty compared to perfect forecasts. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed algorithm increases as the uncertainty decreases, showing great promise for the algorithm as the quality of forecasting keeps improving

    Efficient methods for approximating the Shapley value for asset sharing in energy communities

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    With the emergence of energy communities, where a number of prosumers invest in shared generation and storage, the issue of fair allocation of benefits is increasingly important. The Shapley value has attracted increasing interest for redistribution in energy settings — however, computing it exactly is intractable beyond a few dozen prosumers. In this paper, we first conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of Shapley value in energy-related applications, as well as efforts to compute or approximate it. Next, we formalise the main methods for approximating the Shapley value in community energy settings, and propose a new one, which we call the stratified expected value approximation. To compare the performance of these methods, we design a novel method for exact Shapley value computation, which can be applied to communities of up to several hundred agents by clustering the prosumers into a smaller number of demand profiles. We perform a large-scale experimental comparison of the proposed methods, for communities of up to 200 prosumers, using large-scale, publicly available data from two large-scale energy trials in the UK (UKERC Energy Data Centre, 2017, UK Power Networks Innovation, 2021). Our analysis shows that, as the number of agents in the community increases, the relative difference to the exact Shapley value converges to under 1% for all the approximation methods considered. In particular, for most experimental scenarios, we show that there is no statistical difference between the newly proposed stratified expected value method and the existing state-of- the-art method that uses adaptive sampling (O’Brien et al., 2015), although the cost of computation for large communities is an order of magnitude lower

    Real-time control of distributed batteries with blockchain-enabled market export commitments

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    Recent years have seen a surge of interest in distributed residential batteries for households with renewable generation. Yet, assuring battery assets are profitable for their owners requires a complex optimisation of the battery asset and additional revenue sources, such as novel ways to access wholesale energy markets. In this paper, we propose a framework in which wholesale market bids are placed on forward energy markets by an aggregator of distributed residential batteries that are controlled in real time by a novel Home Energy Management System (HEMS) control algorithm to meet the market commitments, while maximising local self-consumption. The proposed framework consists of three stages. In the first stage, an optimal day-ahead or intra-day scheduling of the aggregated storage assets is computed centrally. For the second stage, a bidding strategy is developed for wholesale energy markets. Finally, in the third stage, a novel HEMS real-time control algorithm based on a smart contract allows coordination of residential batteries to meet the market commitments and maximise self-consumption of local production. Using a case study provided by a large UK-based energy demonstrator, we apply the framework to an aggregator with 70 residential batteries. Experimental analysis is done using real per minute data for demand and production. Results indicate that the proposed approach increases the aggregator’s revenues by 35% compared to a case without residential flexibility, and increases the self-consumption rate of the households by a factor of two. The robustness of the results to uncertainty, forecast errors and to communication latency is also demonstrated

    Efficient methods for approximating the Shapley value for asset sharing in energy communities

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    With the emergence of energy communities, where a number of prosumers invest in shared renewable generation capacity and battery storage, the issue of fair allocation of benefits and costs has become increasingly important. The Shapley value has attracted increasing interest for redistribution in energy settings - however, computing it exactly is intractable beyond a few dozen prosumers. In this paper, we examine a number of methods for approximating the Shapley value in realistic community energy settings, and propose a new one. To compare the performances of these methods, we also design a novel method to compute the Shapley value exactly, for communities of up to several hundred agents by clustering consumers into a smaller number of demand profiles. We compare the methods in a large-scale case study of a community of up to 200 household consumers in the UK, and show that our method can achieve very close redistribution to the exact Shapley values but at a much lower (and practically feasible) computation cost


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    The paper examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on 13 large and medium food processing firms using census data on the COVID-19 impact on large and medium food production and manufacturing industries in Bhutan. The findings suggest that food processing firms have suffered a significant revenue loss due to the pandemic and medium-sized firms have suffered a greater revenue fall than large-sized firms. However, the revenue share of the food processing industry in overall industrial revenue has increased during the pandemic. The food processing industry has significant potential to cut dependency on imported food products. To support the growth and sustainability of food processing firms, the government could provide targeted interventions to improve the food value chain. In addition, the government could also improve the policy and regulatory environment to support the growth of agro-based startups and cottage and small industries, which will determine the future strength of the food industry in the country